James Staycation in studio

“Live Everyday Like You’re On Vacation”

The road through life twist and turns. Many of us were taught that there is a “right way” of navigating the human experience. However, trying to fit into the prescribed box often isn’t possible.

James’s journey has taken him all over the world searching for the answer to the question “What Makes Me…?” (…happy, fulfilled, content, excited, successful…) This question lead James on a year long hunt for the answers. James detached from his norm packed up his car and took off creating solo documentary of his travel and personal journey though mental health struggles.

James’s art is shaped through: his experiences as a queer man growing up in a world that wasn’t designed for him— Years of trying to fit into a mold that he was never designed to fit— Letting go of societal expectations — discovering that we are never promised tomorrow — embracing his motto “Live Everyday Like You’re on Vacation”